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I.S.M.I.T.E.W.A.T.O. Releases New Album – Helix IV

Available for streaming or download at Bandcamp! For fans of ambient and electronic music. With their second full-length album, I STABBED MYSELF IN THE EYE WITH A TOOTHBRUSH ONCE (ISMITEWATO) has crafted an intriguing blend of electronic and drone music. The resulting ambient-themed album is sure to feel like a calm voyage through an […]

Hagakura Records: New Standardized Prices

While our original prices were noticeably lower than the industry average, Hagakura Records recently concluded that some prices were still a bit too high (in comparison with some other indie artist/label releases). To make releases more accessible to the public, all prices for digital releases are going to be lowered (applies to everything, past and future). […]

Hagakura Records – Free Music

We’ve put together two 10-track sampler albums showcasing some of the variety in our band roster, and they’ll be available for free (pay what you want, including $0.00) on Bandcamp! The first sampler is primarily drone and ambient music: => <= The second sampler revolves around noise and experimental electronic music: => <= Both samplers contain a […]